Alabama Mineral & Lapidary Society

                               Membership Renewal


Download Renewal Application

The membership renewal period begins November 1st. Any member that would like to stay current and have full participation in the club will need to renew by December 31st.

Every membership renewal will need to be made using the current application form. We need this to insure your contact information is up to date and correct. Your correct email address is especially import. You will be contacted regularly to keep you informed and receive your comments.

Please fill out the application completely and BE SURE TO WRITE LEGIBLY.

Once we receive your application and dues, you will receive your initial email containing a receipt for dues and printable member ID with current year. When we get your email reply your membership records will be updated and you will be sent an invitation to join the Alabama Mineral & Lapidary Society: Members-Only facebook group. Please join, as this will be the primary way your lapidary club will notify you of all the important and fun stuff the club has to offer. If you would prefer a printed membership ID card, include a stamped self-addressed envelope with your application.

----------- Click to download the renewal application ---------

Mail your application and dues to Alabama Mineral & Lapidary Society 8036 Parkway Drive SE Leeds Al 35094