Alabama Mineral & Lapidary Society

                               A Message from the Webmaster

It’s lonely inside these web pages. This site aint real purdy and stuff, the webmaster lacks a lot of skill when it comes to webpage coding. Heck, the sever stuff is practically nonexistent from lack of ability. But . . .

A considerable amount of time is spent to make this site informative to members and is representative of the club to those just discovering us.

So, what do you think? Do you want the website?  No one here is looking for accolades. Thank yous and hand claps are not going to keep these pages current and relevant. What is need is for the members to communicate and send useful content to keep this site alive.

Sadly, in the year since this site was brought back to life, the webmaster has gotten three emails. This is the AMLS website, your website. It is for you by you. (Two of the emails were from non members.)

So, here is the deal, if you want to keep your site alive, you have to help out by being a club participant. Pictures, club interaction, notifications of events, articles about training, workshop experiences, showing off your lapidary art, cabbing party pictures and interviews, field trips (personal and club), gem show experiences, anything that excites or encourages you should be shared.

If you are involved in training, workshop operation, Junior Rockhounds, field trips, programs, history of the club, participate in club events, hospitality, annual gem show, president, vice president, board member, whatever you are doing, you should be contributing to content on this website.

Club committees are intended to have more than just one person. Who would be on the website committee?

 Email anything to

Will your website survive? Will your website fade away? It is completely up to you.