The Alabama Mineral & Lapidary
Society, Inc started in September of 1964 as a private nonprofit corporation,
and operates as such by the laws of the state of Alabama relating to private
nonprofit corporations.
The primary purpose of this Society is for persons interested in the study,
collection and lapidary treatment of rocks and minerals, to associate as
members. The general purposes for which this corporation is formed are to
stimulate interest in rocks and minerals by furtherance of the activities of
the members of this corporation in the earth sciences; to disseminate
knowledge, methods and procedures for the collection, identification,
classification, cutting, polishing, setting and mounting of specimens for these
activities; and to promote good fellowship, proper ethics and conduct in the
relations of said members with each other and with members of other earth
science societies in pursuit of these activities.
The lapidary
club has a historian and about once a year will give a talk about the history
of the club a particular interesting facet of it growth and evolution through
the years.