Alabama Mineral & Lapidary Society

               Field Trips 

Field Trips are for club members only .
Members are notified of field trips on MO, the Facebook group, through email, newsletter and at the monthly meeting.

Check the Members Bulletin Board page for a  calendar of
proposed Field Trips along with trip details when announced.


Do you have a suggestion for a field trip the club could go on?
Know a good dig site you would share with the club?
What field trip have you been on that you would like to see our club schedule?
send an email to


Dont forget to:

1. Read the Code of Ethics and Land Use Policy.
2. Print out the Liability Waiver to bring with you.
3. Have your current year AMLS club ID with you.
This ID must be signed by the Club President and have the current year on it.

As a member of Southeast Federation our club members are allowed to participate in selected federation events.

Notice of Federation sponsored field trips will be in your newsletter.

AMLS as well as all other clubs in the Federation are required to sponsor a field trip periodically. These field trips are open to all the members of the clubs in the Federation.

Check out the link to Southeast Federation Field Trips for information about events.




Code of Ethics

Land Use Policy

Liability Waiver

AMLS Member ID

Southeast Federation
Field Trips