Alabama Mineral & Lapidary Society

                               2024 Gem Show Committee

Since this year’s show does not have a Gem Show Committee Chairman, the show has been divided into its logical areas that require coordination of resources and volunteers.

In order to see that everything gets taken care of to ensure a successful show, these members that have been pivotal volunteers in respective areas have been asked to take a lead role as an area coordinator. Each coordinator shall be the person to plan, facilitate and execute what is required for the area to be successful. In addition, this coordinator will choose how many club members they need and recruit the members direct their involvement.

Please get involved and do your part as club member to help make this year’s show the best show ever.
Do this by contacting one of the coordinators and volunteer to help in planning and execution.


June 14 Show Committee Status Meeting
Agenda to assure communication between
Show Committee Members

Show Committee Member Agenda Rev 4 June
     This document lists all the specific duties of the
    2024 Gem Show Coordinators


April 17 and 18 zoom meetings


Thank you:

                Rhea Proffitt – Show Committe Chairman

                John Cook – Vendor Coordinator

                Ben Beadore – Venue Coordinator

                Casey Falkner - Show Volunteer Coordinator

                Reggie Bolton - Treasurer and Legal Coordinator

                Kristen Osborn and Rhonda Jordan - Publicity and Publications Coordinator

                John and Bonnie Gaston - Vendor/Volunteer Dinner and Refreshments

                Don and Jill Hill - Kids Corner and Demonstrations 

                Bunny Bolton - Club Display Coordinator

                Vacant - Club Sponsored Table Coordinator