So, Thinking About Membership?
Welcome to the Alabama Mineral & Lapidary Society. Referred to as AMLS.The primary purpose of this Society is for persons interested in the study, collection and lapidary treatment of rocks and minerals; to socialize as members.
AMLS uses the digital age to communicate with the members through Facebook, email and via the website. Once we receive your application, you will receive a welcome email. You will need to reply to this email which will complete the registration.
Members find out what’s going on and how to participate in the club by visiting this website, reading the Rockhound Roundup newsletter and attending club meetings. The Alabama Mineral & Lapidary Society Members-Only Facebook group is where members can read and post.
As a member of AMLS you should plan on coming to meetings as often as practical where we share our interests and experiences. You will be expected to participate with the club as an active member. Our activities are held by the club members for the benefit of club members and everyone is encouraged to engage themselves with their interests.
Once you are a member for a while, you may be asked to take part as a committee member in one of the clubs committees. Becoming a committee chairperson or club officer is a fun and essential part of club life. By doing this you will help the club function in the way it is intended, to share the work necessary to provide member services. When you engage with your club you will begin to learn how to enjoy everything the club has to offer.
Communication between members is important. We as a club welcome every member to make suggestions and comments that will keep everyone excited to be an active part of the society.
Guests are always welcome at meetings, we encourage members to invite others see what we enjoy as a rock club.
The "Dues Year" runs from January 1 through December 31; dues are paid per calendar year.
Family $25, Single $20, Junior/Student $15; these all include a Newsletter subscription.
Members joining after June 1 in a calendar year pay 1/2 price for the current year.
Members' dues are renewed each November for the following calendar year.
To join the club:
Visit our meeting and fill out an application and join or
Email and request an application.
Feel free to ask us any questions you may have.